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Kemerovo recent comments:

  • Park Antoshka, Tony (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    I was in Kemerovo in 1981, was there an aircraft monument in Antoshka park then?
  • KemSU, Craig Bradshaw (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    What is Kuzbass State Technical University ?
  • KemSU, GKC_77 wrote 12 years ago:
    All others are only just institutes or affiliated-institutes of state-level ones.
  • KemSU, Craig Bradshaw (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    I know of 4 Universities in Kemerovo !
  • Sport-center «Kuzbass-hall», GKC_77 wrote 12 years ago:
    The «Aman» Arena.
  • SC «Arena», GKC_77 wrote 12 years ago:
    The «Putin» Arena.